IXL @ Rowen

IXL is a comprehensive, standards-aligned math, language arts, science, and social studies online program for K – 12 with an unlimited number of practice questions in hundreds of skills–all of which are aligned to the Common Core State Standards and Pennsylvania State Standards. IXL Math is available to all Rowen students. IXL Language Arts is available to Rowen students in grades 1-5. IXL science and social studies are available to Rowen students in grades 2-5.

One of the best things about IXL is that all Rowen students have access to IXL at school and at home. Parents can view their child’s progress. In addition to making math and language arts practice engaging and effective, IXL is designed to help our students learn at their own pace. IXL is also adaptive and will adjust to our students’ demonstrated ability level. IXL saves all students’ results, so teachers and parents can monitor progress.

Last school year, our students answered 763,595 problems. Our goal for this year is to increase the number of problems answered by 50%.

To access our dedicated IXL website, please click here.