School Advisory Council

Welcome to Rowen’s School Advisory Council (SAC) page! The purpose of our School Advisory Council is to foster a positive learning environment through a cooperative effort with the principal, teachers, staff, parents/guardians, and community members by working improve student achievement, effective teaching in the classroom, and parent and community engagement.

The Rowen SAC is a 100% voluntary organization that comprised of a simple majority of family members, school principal, school staff, and community members. Rowen parents just like you.

What does Rowen SAC do?

  • Participate in Strategic Conversations by using and addressing school data
  • Focus on supporting Academic Achievement, improving School Climate, and strengthening Family Engagement
  • Build consensus with your fellow SAC members

How does the Rowen HSA do all of this?

  • We do it with your time and generosity!
  • SAC members meet every other month

To apply to be a member of Rowen’s SAC, click here.